baggodesign and architecture studio.
Baggo is led by Agostina and Bautista. Agostina holds a Bachelor's degree in Architecture and a Master's degree in Sustainable and Innovative Cities and City Planning from FADU, UBA. She also served as an Urban Planning Teacher at the same university. With years of experience working at the National Architecture Department and the Ministry of Public Works of Argentina, she has extensive experience in developing a wide range of large and small-scale landscape and architecture projects.
Bautista holds a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design from FADU, UBA, and a degree in Sustainable and Innovative Design from Université Côte d'Azur. Having gained valuable experience at Perfectos Dragones/Negro TM, one of Buenos Aires' largest design firms, he has developed a clear understanding of product development and project management for manufacturing.
Together, they have founded Baggo, a collective of architects and designers driven by a passion for transforming the ordinary into extraordinary experiences.